You may remember my blog post on the lesson of living in the moment. It was a lesson I learned when I went to the new Adventure Park Nashville ropes course.
It was all about how important it is to focus on the moment instead of always thinking and planning ahead (something I’m guilty of).

This one is based on the old adage,
“KISS: keep it simple, stupid.”
Keep It Simple, Stupid
This time around I did some courses that were higher off the ground and more challenging. But what I noticed is not every element was as challenging as they first appeared.
While applying the previous lesson of focusing on only one bridge element at a time, I’d arrive at a new element and would study its configuration to figure out the best way to maneuver across it.
Upon first glance, most of them looked very complicated.
But instead of thinking too much about how to get across, I would just take the first step onto the element.
Once I did, it suddenly became clear that what looked like a real obstacle requiring a lot of thought and energy to maneuver was really very simple to get around.
We as a society, myself and my clients included, often overthink things when instead we should keep it simple.

Start by Starting
I see this especially in my clients who are thinking about changing careers or starting their own business.
They view the challenge in front of them and immediately start asking a bazillion questions about how they should start.
My response:
“You start by starting.”
I usually get a funny look from them as soon as it comes out of my mouth.
I explain to them it doesn’t matter how or where you start, as long as you take one step to start. There is no certain order you have to follow.
For someone looking to start their own business, it could be something as simple as securing a domain for your future business’s web site for less than $10.
Or it could be first reading Pat Flynn’s book Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money.
For someone looking for a new job it could be as simple of a step as updating your LinkedIn profile.
Or it could be reaching out to one person in your network.
One Step at a Time
When a client asks,
“How do I make this big change?”
It’s just like the phrase of advice on how to eat an elephant: one bite at a time!
Of course the idea of changing careers or starting a business seems very overwhelming at first when looking at it as a whole.
But when you break it down into smaller steps, it’s not as complicated as it first appears. Each step is more simple than the process as a whole.
And once you take the first step, you gain the confidence you need to take the next step.
Before you know it, your steps have added up to a really big dent in your goal.
It’s as simple as that!
To learn more about how to break your goals and obstacles into more manageable steps so you’re not overthinking things, subscribe to my newsletter and receive a complimentary copy of the 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan.
Related Posts:
- How to Be More Successful By Living In the Moment
- How to Make the Risk of Starting Your Own Business Doable
- 5 Common Fears (and Myths) of Quitting a Job You Hate