Do you think your comfort zone is really all that comfortable?
Well, let’s see. Does any of this describe your current situation?
You’re bored with your job, relationships, or life in general. But you’ve been unwilling to make any changes for improvement, big or small.
You’re stressed because you’re drowning in debt. But you’ve been unwilling to sell some of your stuff or cut out some of your unnecessary spending.
You’re lonely because you never asked out that girl or guy you found attractive. But you’ve been unwilling to risk rejection.
You’re worried about your job because you’ve been hearing rumors of a lay-off. But you’ve been unwilling to make a career change or look for something new.
You’re afraid to try something new because you’re unwilling to risk failure.
You’re medicated to help you deal with all the above feelings.
If any of the above sounds familiar, your comfort zone is anything but comfortable.
At best, it’s misery.
At worst, it’s hell.
The Line Between Your Comfort Zone and the Life You Really Desire
The antidote for all of these feelings lies just outside your comfort zone.
But the area outside your comfort zone is not the opposite of comfort. It’s not a “discomfort zone.”
Instead, it’s what I call the THRIVE ZONE.
The “discomfort zone” is actually the thin border between your current comfort zone and the thrive zone.
This small space is very awkward and painful, but the pain is short-lived.
Once you cross this border, you’ll be in the thrive zone, also known as the life you desire.
Are You Willing to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?
What does it take to cross the border?
That’s it.
The rest you can learn and figure out.
Are you fed up enough with how uncomfortable your comfort zone is you’re willing to experience some temporary discomfort and make some changes?
Next Steps to Your Thrive Zone
If you answered yes, here are some steps you can take to help you figure out what to do to create the positive change you desire.
First, learn how to set (and achieve) goals the right way. This involves subscribing to the paNASH newsletter to receive an 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan. This complimentary resource will help you:
- Prioritize your goals.
- Set goals you can commit to.
- Break your goals down into manageable steps.
- Overcome obstacles standing in the way of your goals.
- Ultimately achieve your goals.
You can easily do this with my free 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan.
Second, if you like free resources and want more, register for my complimentary on-demand program 5 Ways to Pursue Your Passions in Life and Work. In this program you’ll learn how to:
- Become unstuck and get out of your rut (your not-so-comfortable comfort zone).
- Re-frame your negative beliefs.
- Pursue your life-long passions and discover new passions.
- And more!
The Results You Can Expect
As a result of these free resources you can expect to:
- Focus more on your goals.
- Obliterate the obstacles previously in your way of your goals.
- Develop an action plan.
- Have a true sense of accomplishment.
- Gain the courage and freedom to pursue your passions.
- Obtain guidance and direction toward work you love and enjoy.
- Lessen your negative self-talk and develop a more positive mindset.
Does all of this sound better than boredom, stress, loneliness, worry, and fear?
Yeah, I thought so.
Don’t stay in misery any longer.
Instead, subscribe and register for the free resources above and start moving into your THRIVE zone today!
Related Posts:
- 3 Excuses Keeping You in Your Comfort Zone
- Why Willingness Trumps Readiness and What You Need to Know About It