job search

How to Save Precious Time in Your Job Search by Recognizing Red Flags

Your job search can be overwhelming and time consuming. It’s especially frustrating when your time is wasted by scammers, fake job posts, and ghosted interviews.

My goal in working with my clients is always to help them find the best fit for them sooner than later. While figuring out what they want to do next might take some time, it’s well worth it to avoid a wild goose chase. But once we figure this out together, it’s game on!

I teach my clients how to use their precious time wisely in their job search. You can also learn some of these same strategies in several of my past blog posts to speed up your own job search.

1. Why Focus Is So Important in the Job Search

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to find a job, any job, and fast? You may have been tempted to apply for as many jobs as possible. But, lacking focus can actually delay and even harm your job search.

Gaining focus can improve your job search and help you save precious time. Click here to find out how.

Why Focus Is So Important in the Job Search

2. Limiting the Jobs You Apply to Is Healthy For Your Job Search

How many and what kind of jobs should you apply to in order to develop focus? Find out here.

Limiting the Jobs You Apply to Is Healthy For Your Job Search

3. What Are the Best Alternatives to Online Job Boards in Your Job Search?

Using online job boards isn’t the best use of time when looking for a new job. Instead, use these alternatives.

What Are the Best Alternatives to Online Job Boards?

4. Are Career Fairs Worth Your Time and Energy?

While some career fairs may be worth your time, most are not. In the following post, I share which types of career fairs are worth your energy, how to make them worth your time, and several better alternatives to career fairs. Click here to learn more.

Are Career Fairs Worth Your Time and Energy?

5. The Best Way to Write a Successful Elevator Speech

One way to save precious time in your job search is to reduce the 30-second elevator pitch to just seven seconds. Doing so, in the way I describe in the following post, not only cuts the time it takes you to share your elevator speech, but also helps you use your time wisely by creating a more meaningful dialogue. Read more here.

The Best Way to Write a Successful Elevator Speech

6. Are the LinkedIn Recruiters Contacting You Scammers? Here’s How to Tell

Don’t fall victim to scammers appearing as recruiters on LinkedIn. Click here for a list of red flags to decipher the legitimate recruiters from the scammers.

Are the LinkedIn Recruiters Contacting You Scammers? Here’s How to Tell

7. How to Spot and Avoid Fake Jobs and “Ghost Posts” From Real Companies

Even if the recruiters are legit, you also have to make sure the job ads they’ve posted are legit. This is because some companies now post fake jobs to give certain appearances. Save time in your job search by learning how to spot these “ghost posts” immediately and avoid them. Click here for more information.

How to Spot and Avoid Fake Jobs and “Ghost Posts” From Real Companies


While you should spend a significant amount of time on your job search (at least 20 hours per week), you shouldn’t spend it on time wasters. Save precious time by incorporating the tips from the above posts into your daily practices of your job search. I promise you’ll see more success.

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