Recently, I was interviewed for a podcast on the topic of career guidance. One of the questions I got was, “What’s one object that reflects your passion, and in what ways?” The object I chose was the fin from my standup paddle board. If you’ve spent any time reading this blog, you know how passionate I am about paddle boarding!
So how does the fin from my SUP board also reflect my passion for my work as a career coach?
If you ever try paddle boarding without a fin, you’ll quickly realize something isn’t right. Instead of your board going in a straight direction as it should, it twists and turns in every other direction.
This happened a few years ago when I gave my late uncle a paddle boarding lesson, and the board he borrowed from his friend didn’t have a fin. I could tell his board was all over the place and he was struggling. I told him to trade boards with me so he wouldn’t have to struggle so much while learning.
Once I got on his finless board, I could feel just how out of control it was. It was nearly impossible for me to get the board going in the right direction, despite my advanced paddling skills from several years of experience.
This is how many job seekers’ job search looks and feels. They start their job search by applying to any and all job ads they might be qualified for, without focusing on the direction they want to take their career. This is especially true if they want to make a career change, but haven’t yet determined what kind of change it might be.
Stability and guidance in the job search
Career coaching acts much like the fin on a stand up paddle board. The fin doesn’t move your board for you. You’re the one who has to use the paddle to do so. But the fin does help stabilize and guide your board to keep you going in the right direction, while also allowing for exploration of your surroundings.
Career coaching doesn’t find a job for you. You’re the one who has to go on the interviews and land the job. But career coaching helps guide your job search and keeps you going in the right direction based on your skill set, experience and passions. It gives you the space to explore different options without spinning around and losing focus on your professional goals.
Does your job search feel like it’s all over the place with no real guidance or focus? If so, paNASH can help! Click here to complete the paNASH intake form and schedule a complimentary initial consultation.
Related resources
- Why Your Career Decisions Require Focus, Patience, and Passion
- Why Focus Is So Important in the Job Search
- How to Keep Yourself Focused on Your Goals
- Video – 5 Ways to Pursue Your Passions in Life & Work: How to Overcome Obstacles & Achieve Job Search Success