
Sunday Inspiration: You Have a Purpose for Being Here!

Welcome to “Sunday Inspiration,” a bi-weekly devotional for those seeking spiritual encouragement in the pursuit of their passions. Each post comes from an outside resource (as referenced). I hope these posts will inspire and motivate you in your life and career in addition to our weekly original blog posts. Enjoy!

You have a purpose for being here! Who are you, and why are you here?

The more of God you find and the more of God you obtain, the more you will realize who you are, why you’re here and what your purpose is.

Moses was separated from his Hebrew brethren so God could give him the mentality for how to deal with Pharaoh. God needed someone to walk into Pharaoh’s throne room and say, “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” Moses was not intimidated to go there, because he had been there many times before.

The key to knowing who you are, is knowing who God is. The people God uses are the people who are dependent on Him. The less of God you know, the more confused in life you become; the more you lose your way.

God has appointed you to be a life-changing person! He’s going to put you in circumstances unique to you. He’ll put you places He will not put your peers.

God pulled Moses away from the other Egyptian slaves and put him in the palace to expose him to things that his peers had never been exposed to. This developed in Moses a mentality that would equip him to deal with Pharaoh. See, he had to get the proper mentality to be used by the Lord. In order to develop him mentally and spiritually, God pulled Moses out of one situation and put him in another.

It’s amazing how you can look back on your life and say, “Because I went through that, I’m prepared for this. I didn’t understand it then, but I understand now. Had I not gone through that, I wouldn’t be the person I am now with the mentality and faith I have. God brought me through that and it has prepared me for this!”

As you take inventory of the many things you have experienced in your life, for good and bad, if you are open to the Lord, He will reveal clues to what He wants you to do in your future. You have not gone through what you have gone through for nothing.

Think About It

Take a moment to think about the most significant things you’ve experienced in your life in the following areas: Physical, Relational, Successes, Failures, Professional, Other

Source: https://jentezenfranklin.org/daily-devotions/fasting-day-15


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