You haven’t seen a blog post from me in several weeks. That’s because I was a little busy getting married! I’m back now, and with a new last name! I’m Lori Béen (pronounced like “bean”), and I’ll still use my maiden name “Bumgarner” professionally at times. But you can just call me Lori B. to cover both bases!
Planning the wedding, hosting family, getting married, going on a honeymoon, and moving to a new home all required a lot of my time. Therefore, I wasn’t taking any new clients for about four weeks.
I now have more availability for new and current clients. If you’re a current client in need of assistance, you can email me directly at If you’re interested in becoming a paNASH client, please click here to complete the required intake form. Completing the form does not obligate you in any way.
I look forward to working with you in this new stage of my life!