Be Inspired
This past week I stepped out of my comfort zone by getting in front of the camera for live broadcasts on Periscope (@paNASHstyle). I don’t like being on camera, but I do want to bring to my audience inspiration for pursuing their passions. I’ll try to get on camera on a regular basis, but much of my live broadcasts will be interviews with other people who have boldly pursued their passions, discussing how they faced their fears and their advice for people like you who are trying to pursue their passions.
Inspiration From Others’ Stories
One of the inspirations for this type of broadcast series is the story of a woman who has combined her strengths for conducting research and her passion for helping people. I first heard of Pam Slaton on the news program 20/20. She was being interviewed for her significant work of helping reunite adoptees and their birth mothers (I’m always moved by stories when long-lost family members are reunited – I cry like a baby!).
In working with my clients, I use a lot of career assessments, including the Holland Code. If I had to guess what Slaton’s Holland Code is based on her work, I would guess she is an ISE (Investigative, Social, and Enterprising). Investigative types are those who prefer investigation, research, exploration and discovery. Slaton has a background as a historian and genealogist. Social types are empathetic helpers. Slaton herself was an adopted child and is passionate about helping others find their natural/biological families. Enterprising types are energetic and risk-takers. Slaton is her own boss and works without a staff, putting in hours and hours of her own energy to help her clients.
Watch Live Interviews for Advice
It’s people like Slaton that I want to highlight and show what drives their passions and how they overcome their fears of pursuing those passions. This Wednesday I’ll be scoping my first live interview with a good friend, Neil Newton, the owner of Paddle Up Nashville. He’ll discuss how he and his partner Cindy Sorci discovered a new passion and quickly took it beyond just a hobby to a profitable business. He’ll also discuss the challenges and excitement of starting a new business in the latter part of his career and how it’s never too late to pursue your passions!
Join me (@paNASHstyle) on Periscope this Wednesday at 9am from the docks of Rock Harbor Marina. If you can’t catch the live broadcast, no worries! I’ll be sure to post the recording to my YouTube channel and my Facebook Fan Page.
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