Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

Voiced by Amazon Polly

Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or even fear of success, we all have experienced fear in some shape or form. For some of us, our fears have been so powerful they have kept us from getting the things we want most, including love, adventure, success, financial freedom, you name it. Knowing how to deal with fear in a healthy manner instead of letting it paralyze us is the key to achieving our goals and desires.

Last week we talked about the fears and anxieties that come when moving into The Learning Zone, and as promised this week I am going to discuss how to overcome those fears.

Out of control

Recently I was having breakfast with an old high school friend. She was telling me about how she finally came to the realization that a lot of her own fears in life were less about the things she thought she was afraid of, and more about the fear of not having control.

She realized that, in looking back on her life, everything has turned out pretty good so far, so why not just accept the fact that she’s not in control and trust that the future will also turn out good, even in the midst of possible trials and tribulations.

Willingness Instead Of Fearlessness

In listening to the things my friend said she had been afraid of for so long and had finally let go of, I realized I still have some of the same fears she once had, and yes, most of them boil down to just one fear:  the fear of not having control (which is also closely related to the fear of failure and the fear of the unknown).

Some of my friends look at me and think I’m brave or unafraid, but those closest to me know I have just as many fears as the next person. What may appear to be fearlessness is instead a willingness to face fears and push through them. I’ve done this with a lot of my own fears, but still have some fears I need to overcome. How does one do this?

5 Ways of Overcoming Fear

A new friend of mine, author and business and career strategist Gabriel Aviles, recently published a post on Dale Partridge’s The Daily Positive blog entitled “5 Ways Dreamers Can Overcome Their Fear of Failure.” While Gabriel’s article is geared toward those dreaming to leave their job to start their own business, the lessons can be applied to any type of goal one may have. Because after all, just like we all have fears, we all have dreams.

So let’s look at the 5 things Gabriel says to do to overcome fear of failure (replace the word “failure” with your own fear you’re currently facing):

  1. Unpack your fears:  Gabriel says to acknowledge your fears and ask yourself what would be the worse-case-scenario if those fears came true.
  2. Forget about your fears:  this one is pretty self-explanatory. I will say it is a lot easier to forget about your fears once you’ve completed step #1 and gotten them out of your system. One thing I’ve done in the past that’s helped me is to write down my fears on a piece of paper, and then light it on fire! Watch those fears go up in smoke!
  3. Gain clarity:  Gabriel discusses the importance of visualizing your desired outcome.
  4. Create a transition strategy:  this is a responsible way to face your fears and move toward your desired outcome.
  5. Take action:  this one is pretty self-explanatory too. Once you’ve decided on a strategy to transition to your desired goal, you have to implement your strategy.

Thank you Gabriel for such great insights! A coach like Gabriel or myself can help walk you through the above 5 steps, and so can the paNASH 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan. It’s free and it’s designed to help you create a strategy and make it happen. Click here to start receiving the 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan in your inbox today.


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